Thursday, March 5, 2009

2 hands

Ever since I was little, my grandmother (who raised me) taught me to receive and give gifts with two hands. On top of distributing our spoons and chopsticks at our dinner table from the oldest person down to the youngest person, I was to place our bowls of rice in front of my elders and guests with two hands.

At church, our Sunday school teachers taught us to place our weekly offerings into the baskets with two hands.

As I grew older, I began to do to the things my grandmother had taught me less and less. I no longer place my coat and bag down in that one place when I come back home. I don't always wash my hands as soon as I come home (which is probably why I am always sick these days. Like now. I took another day off from work. ugh.). I don't always neatly make my bed before heading out the door each morning. I don't even distinguish between clothes worn out and at home anymore (I wear track suits to work. I play with kids every day :D).

But as I was walking down the corridor of Motomiya Elementary School on Wednesday, I was reminded of the various 2 hands rules I followed as a child. There are a group of adorable 2nd graders who come play with my during lunch break. And when little Remon-chan and Sawa-chan ran into me on their way to PE class, they greeted me with big sweet smiles and held my hands with their two little hands.

So sweet.

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