Monday, February 9, 2009

月曜日の寝るせ Monday Bedhead

Before going to bed last night, I set my alarm for 6 am. I was determined to start out the week right -- get up early, check my email, go through the news, have breakfast, morning coffee, make-up, and get to my desk at 7:55 -- 5 minutes earlier than I'm supposed to be there. But nope, after snoozing over and over again for about 45 minutes, I finally turn on my heaters and re-set my alarm for 7 am. I then, snooze a few more times, until I realize that it's 7:40, and I need to get ready and be at work in 20 minutes! I somehow put myself together and run out the door, and get to work at 8:05 -- 5 minutes AFTER I'm supposed to be there! sigh... being late in Japan is BADDDDD... but the vice principal is used to my usual tardiness in the winter. I'm sorry Kyoto-sensei... when spring comes, I'll make up for all my late days by coming in early!!

As I walked past the beautifully snow-capped Mt. Adatara, right behind my school amongst rice fields and Japanese-style houses, I notice that my hair is kinda strange when I finally reach my school and see my reflection against the sliding glass doors by the teacher's entrance. I must have slept funny last night... my hair was sticking out on both sides!! Both left and right -- a little more on my left side, but both equally messy and embarrassing!! I sign in, say good morning to everyone, apologize to kyoto-sensei, and wet my hair, hoping that would fix my hair. But nope, my coarse hair was even more stubborn today, so I had to tie back my short short hair with a leftover rubberband that held my chopsticks in place when I last ordered bento when we didn't have kyushoku (school lunch). I was a mess today...

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